ブックタイトル秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program


このページは 秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program の電子ブックに掲載されている5ページの概要です。


秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program

5ForewordA k i y o s h i d a i I n t e r n a t i o n a l A r t V i l l a g ecommenced in 1998 as an institution to supporta wide range of artists and their practiceincluding music, art, dance, and film, and sincethen we have disseminated the results of theprogram to the world. The Artist-in-Residenceprogram aims to foster young artists, and whatis notable is that over 150 artists from all overthe world have stayed at AIAV and worked ona variety of creative activities. Also, with thecooperation of artists who have previouslystayed at AIAV, we managed to hold the WorldArtists Exhibition at 3 places in YamaguchiPrefecture as the 15th anniversary of theprogram last fiscal year.Now, in fiscal 2015, we invited 6 artists fromJapan, France, Hungary, Finland, South Korea,and Taiwan, and they worked on their projectsrelating to the subject, “The Features of ThisLand". Interacting with the rich nature and localpeople in various ways, I am certain that theartists this year produced more ambitious worksthan usual. I would appreciate it if you couldkindly read this report book and give us yourcandid advice and opinions.The Artist-in-Residence program is one ofthe most important programs at AkiyoshidaiInternational Art Village. Not only we willcontinue to enrich the program or generatethe attractive features of Mine City orYamaguchi Prefecture towards the world, butalso concentrate our effort on revitalizing theregion. We would therefore kindly ask for yourcooperation and understanding.Last but not least, I would once again like toexpress my deepest gratitude to all personsconcerned for their cooperation for artists’research, workshops, exhibition, artist talks, andthe program per se.Director, Akiyoshidai International Art VillageYasuyoshi Yagi