ブックタイトル秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program


このページは 秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program の電子ブックに掲載されている79ページの概要です。


秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program

79Workshop at Kama Elementary SchoolFollowing last fiscal year's workshop, we had an opportunity to invite an artist to our school as part of the Artistin-Residence program at Akiyoshidai International Art Village. We invited Mari Makio, a resident artist at AIAV toteach a workshop for third and fourth year students.Although they kindly let us work with an international artist last fiscal year also, because the materials theyprovided this year is an animation which had previously been created by children in her home country, Finland,this workshop attracted the interest of our schoolchildren more than last fiscal year.The summary of the workshop is that our students apply Japanese onomatopoeia to an animation made byFinnish children and create a piece of work by combining the voice with moving images. I was a little concernedthat it might be more difficult for children to instinctively add the sound using onomatopoeia than to speaktheir lines in Japanese, but they tried to work hard on it. Perhaps, because it was slightly difficult for them andthey were nervous about meeting Mari for the first time, onomatopoeia in the finished results sounded a littletoo stiff... However that may be, we completed a collaborative work of Finnish children with Japanese.Thinking that Finnish children are going to see the finished work, onomatopoeia should have been easier tounderstand than any Japanese words, but it may happen that Japanese onomatopoeia shall not be accepted inFinland. And so what she kindly contrived is an activity in which we make a video to send a message as well asto introduce Japanese onomatopoeia. This activity let our schoolchildren feel closer to Finnish children.It was a precious opportunity for them to work with Mari, a professional artist from overseas in this workshop,but it was more precious for them to be able to commune with Finnish kids, thought indirectly. I thank Mari forhaving such a workshop. I hope that we will take this opportunity and deepen cultural exchanges with Finnishchildren.I would like to express my appreciation to the staff of AIAV including the director for giving us such anopportunity again this year. Thank you very much.Schoolmaster, Kama Elementary School of Mine CityTakashi Kubota