ブックタイトル秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program


このページは 秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program の電子ブックに掲載されている87ページの概要です。


秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program

87クエンリン・サイ  Kuenlin Tsai台湾出身・在住 / Born in Taiwan, lives and works in Taiwanwww.kuenlin.com[ 学歴/Education]2011 MFA Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts2005 BFA Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of the Arts[ 活動歴/Exhibitions]2014 Public Participation project of The Public Art Award, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan2013 The Arts and Humanities research in Japan of Foreign Art Teavel Project, National Culture and ArtsFoundation, Taipei, Taiwan2011 Selected Award of the 2011 Taipei Arts Awards, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwanインセイン・パク  Insane Park韓国出身・在住 / Born in South Korea, lives and works in South Korea[ 学歴/Education]2008 BFA Kyunggi University, Suwon, South Korea[ 活動歴/Exhibitions]2015 Summer's never coming again, ART project CZ, Shanghai, China2015 Umbrella and Fan, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Ansan, South Korea2015 POST Pictures, 175 gallery, Seoul, South Koreaマリ・マキオ  Mari Makioフィンランド出身・在住/ Born in Finland, lives and works in Finlandwww.marimakio.com[ 学歴/Education]2015 MA Department of Photography, Aalto University of School of Art and Design, Finland2012 Hochschule fur Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany[ 活動歴/Exhibitions]2015 Life, Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki, Finland2015 Life, Gallery Peri in Turku, Finland2013 Supervision, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Arstria / Kulturhaus Remise, Zurich, Switzerland / Gallery Huuto,Helsinki, Finland