ブックタイトル秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program


このページは 秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program の電子ブックに掲載されている9ページの概要です。


秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village レジデンス・サポート・プログラム Residence Support Program

9peculiar limestone caves created through erosion by rain are all fascinating for him, he continued his research intoits people knowing that the lives of the locals are the decisive factors for his project. Teppei then carefully pokedaround for the local people, collecting the sound of them as well as of water in the surrounding area, thereby reconstructingAkiyoshidai as a whole transcending time and space.Kuenlin Tsai has produced a number of installations with pipes. By reorganizing both objects and space such as amuseum, train station, or even house that was once illegally used for prostitutes, Kuenlin resolutely challenges theaudiences’ understandings of their significance of the spaces. Resonating some locally collected sound in his pipes,he urges his audiences to recognize their everyday sound which however they wound not recognize otherwise. Afterresearching into the myth and history, environment and mine of the area, Kuenlin decided to focus on bamboosinstead of pipes as a start point to negotiate and experiment with new material. Being presented this new materialfrom the natural environment of AIAV, he let us in return realize and consider our everyday however nearly obsoletesound.Insane Park has been doing his practice in bold and sometimes ‘offensive’ ways. Collecting overflowing images fromthe world, he keeps disgorging them back to the world after adding his viewpoints. During his stay at AIAV, he beganto pursue the beautiful environment around AIAV, yet gradually became fascinated with his foreignness as a Koreanartist, and found that the distance from his own indigenousness was able to experiment. He then started gatheringthe images of Japan to explore the relation between Japan and Korea. However he stubbornly asserts that they arenothing to do with their historical issues, or he does not possess any particular opinions or arguments ? “the imagesare no more than images. Those collected images from certain circumstances are only placed in this way.”What Mari Makio, a visual artist became fascinated with was paradoxically darkness of a cave, where all visual elementswere shut out. She was particularly interested in Kagekiyodo Cave, whereby she challenged both her andher audiences’ understandings of what is known as darkness. Inviting some local people to the cave, she let themexperience ‘complete darkness’, while delicately collecting a sound generated from their acts in it. This ‘artificial’sound is then installed in a dark space for her audience to listen to it, which synergistically emphasizes darkness ofboth the cave and her exhibition space. In her work called Darkness Studies, she literally allows us to study darkness,while it connotes the fact that an art is configured only by an experience of it.The 6 artists presented their own “Features of This Land” through the various perspectives of surrounding environmentand people, history and culture, industry and tradition. What is striking is that their attempts allowed usto reconsider and experience what we have had as features of this land. In order to proceed with their projects theartists got supported by the local community and grew friendship with them. I would like to express my sinceregratitude towards those who generously supported the program. I hope that the artists will further develop theideas they came up with during the 55-day stay at AIAV. I look forward to the creative endeavors of every artistaround the world in the future.Akiyoshidai International Art VillageArtist-in-Residence StaffYusuke Fujisawa