ブックタイトル秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village アーティスト・イン・レジデンス20周年記念記録集 2008-2019


このページは 秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village アーティスト・イン・レジデンス20周年記念記録集 2008-2019 の電子ブックに掲載されている15ページの概要です。


秋吉台国際芸術村 Akiyoshidai International Art Village アーティスト・イン・レジデンス20周年記念記録集 2008-2019

created her own autobiographical documentaryfilm with some fantasy, but in this work, she workedon local issues such as the aging population, theassociating declines of the local industry, and thedifficult situation for the local business for long-termsurvival. Through her works, she tried to discussthese problems including distress about the livingconditions not only limited in Mine city but alsoanywhere in the world as a common global issue.Joel Chen from Singapore carried out anthropologicalresearch on delinquents and bosozoku in thisexhibition. Observing an assemblage of car parts,a picture of the landscape, and pop objects, youget to realize that it would tell you about a storyof “bosozoku” somewhere in future. Images andobjects intertwined in such parallel world actuallydeny direct interpretations and at the same time, thebosozoku motifs in youth culture question us aboutthe extreme behaviors seen in Youtube and sadnews reports about domestic violence and makesus wonder if that similar tendency can be seen inour everyday life at present.What I felt in this exhibition was that all theparticipating artists this year own higher qualitiesof concept, creative ability, regional interpretation,and research ability more than ever. I deeply hopefor them to take their fruitful outcome from thisprogram to other region s for further developmentand success.Professor at department of education, YamaguchiUniversity / Director at N3 Art Lab / Contemporary ArtistYoshihisa Nakano*1: a palimpsest is a manuscript in which parchmentand texts are scraped off and rewrote repeatedly,often seen in the medieval period.DVなどのネガティブなニュースやYouTuberの行き過ぎた行為など、現代の我々の生活にも同じような傾向があるのではないかと自問したくなるのである。本展に参加したどの作家にも言えることはコンセプトや造形力、地域理解やリサーチ能力が以前のtransプログラムにも増して、非常に長けてきていることである。願わくはAIAVでのこのプログラムを通して得た成果をぜひ他の地域においても活かしていって欲しい。山口大学教育学部教授N3 ART Lab代表現代美術作家中野良寿注1:中世写本などの、削り取られて重ね書きされた羊皮紙013