Nature Walk PhotogramAiR

Take a walk through the nature around the art village, collect plants and nuts, and make a photogram in the dark room.

*Photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of photographic paper and then exposing it to light.


The artist will lead the participants on a guided walk exploring the nearby landscape, collecting some interesting specimens. Returning to AIAV the participants will use these specimens to create photograms.

LecturerDarren Rigo /Canada (Installation, Photography)
Date8th Nov.(Sun) 14:00 – 16:00
LocationThe darkroom, The salon
Max10 people (For age over 6)



Please call or email with your participant’s name, address, phone number, and date of birth.
Tel: 0837-63-0020
Email: aiav_ws@aiav.jp